Tuesday, November 27, 2007

this is where i spent last weekend. in this particular room. set designed by a really talented woman named hilary gurtler. she took a bleak plain white room and transformed it into a more cinematic bleak colorful room. both versions give one an existential chill. in fact, the whole place kept giving me the existential chills. the 'green spot hotel' in victorville. we kept referring to it as the brown spot hotel, both because the building surrounds a barren patch of vacant lot and because of the more obvious scatological implications. we were shooting a short film that is based on a character that presented himself to me through three songs on 'help wanted'. hopefully we will be producing a short film that has elements from the record. we find out what we have this week. the director is putting together a rough edit and will then give me a call. i hope it winds up watchable. will keep you posted.


Chris Cassidy said...

hey eric, set looks great! did you act in the short? and have you any acting experince? who directed the short? friend? i loved the video you did with brett simon, on the copy machine. incredible. he is fantastic.

-ea. said...

cass- i did act in the short. if you can call it that. it was directed by a guy named jamie tilton. he and i were put in touch with each other by the vid director sophie muller who executive produced this and is a friend of my friend shirley. thats a mouthful.

brett and i did that on the floor of his apartment with a scanner. you are absolutely right, he is fantastic. he has just finished his first feature. he keeps threatening to give me a peek at an edit but he hasnt yet ponied up.

Brian Smith McCallum said...


Cool how the film emerged from the music. Intentional? Or just part of the morphing, creation, and improvisation?

Look forward to seeing your thespian skiils. Speaking of your acting, is this information on Internet Movie Database (IMDB) about you accurate?

Did you play a medic in Broken Vessels? And were you also in Fascist of Xmart?

Anonymous said...

Very cool. It reminds me of the motel in Fool For Love.



Btw, A friend of ine just got a promo CD from KCRW that was sponsored in some way by Dangerbird. Your tune was on it.

Anonymous said...


Just saw the album artwork!! looks cool and trhe track listing as well, the man who can fly? pt 2 5 7? im wondering if the short movie contains the other parts? I think u and dangerbird are missing a window of oppurtunity by not releasing the album now, the momentum is going and come May, i fear itll be all gone.

Itll be great anyways! but jeeze 5 months and there releasing this info now! looks great! Woo!

Anonymous said...

i mean april!!

matt volpe said...


That room looks like it's beared witness to a lot of different moods, both trivial and jovial. Great design and feel, just from that one photo. Can;t wait to see the film and see how that translates in motion.

Congrats on the HELP WANTED cover, looks awesome. Love the typography. Looking forward to April 08!

Stay well! Best, Matt

JM said...

Hi, Eric

Beautiful cover art. I look forward to watching/listening whatever you have to offer.

Are you planning on touring the album, putting a band together?

Take care, man; have beautiful days.

Humberto, no beto, Humberto. said...

hey eric, I'm mexican and I'm really exited about your new release, I've seen u touring with garbage in mexico city and I just wanna say play style is really good, I really enjoy seeing u playing why do you love me? with garbage, In particular I'm really exited about the song u sing with shirley manson . . . she's the queen . . . and I just want to ask y for a clip from that song . . colud it be possible?? I hope so . . . Have a beautiful days eric.

Anonymous said...

Hey there old friend,

how about the fight this weekend. I like Hatton in 7, but it should be a real battle.

chess in the cafe? this wed at 3?

if yes if no its all good, just good to find you sharing some of your charisma -

what the world needs now is...

Anonymous said...

Eric, would you mind my posting the mp3 of All Remote And No Control in a website? if you say that you don't want me to do it, I won't. It's your music. I just thought that some peeps would want to have it in their mp3 players or something.

Please let me know, take care!


Anonymous said...

There is actually a nascar racing radio show I stumbled upon back in june that actually has that new Eric Avery " all remote and no control" song playing the lats minute of the show.I will try to find the link.it sounded awesome.

Anonymous said...

yeah, the mp3 I grabbed says "May Mix"...

so, I'm guessing it may be different from what we're going to hear in April 08...


-ea. said...

c. brian - the idea of making a short film came first; from sophie muller. then the idea to use this sort of faux narrative from three songs happened.

the imdb stuff is not me.

-ea. said...

sr- sam shepard. i can see that.

-ea. said...

jm- dont know about live dates. we will have to see if there is a good reason to do it.

-ea. said...

george d- no it doesnt contain missing parts. the short is loosely based on the character sketched out in 2,5, and 7.

-ea. said...

humberto- shirley is the queen, but im afraid you will have to wait to hear her dulcet tones.

-ea. said...

anonymous- who are you?

mayweather will win a boring fight. he might stop hatton who will be basically just trying to hug him the whole time.

-ea. said...

larry b.- where did you grab the mp3 from? im not going to try to get someone in trouble, i have never believed that was the answer, i am just personally curious.

-ea. said...

anonymous- nascar? huh?! no one told me. does that mean an enormous surprise publishing paycheck is going to arrive in the mail at some point?

Anonymous said...

Eric, email me at rgordon31@aol.com and I will send you the show I heard the song on.It is a 4mb file, and your song is at the end,and a deconstruction song in the beginning.I don't think Nascar itself has anything to do with the radioshow,it seems like the guy doing the show liked the new song alot,and was endorsing it.Maybe you can shake him down for some loot if he doesn't have rights.Although I must say it was very cool to hear it.

JM said...

Hi Eric!

Well... the thing with the mp3 is that I wanted to somehow grab it from the dangerbird site, but I couldn't do it; I'm not going to describe here "how" my friend got it for me (since I presume it's not your idea nor your label's that the mp3 spreads around), but with a little ingenious you can get it from there. :)
And also, just FYI, I haven't shared it. It's only in my mp3 player.

Take care! Tell us how it went with the Nascar thingy... how many millions the royalties where worth and all that stuff.
(BTW, 'JM' and 'Larry B.' are the same guy... me. I was just to lazy to log in)

Anonymous said...

anyone who reads Paste magazine, or was it Harp?, could rip the compilation cd and spread the mp3 of all remote, no control around.

i think it was a dangerbird compilation cd.

JM said...

yeah, that too...

but I'm from Chile, and we don't get that magazine :)

we just have to find our way and trick some shit


Anonymous said...

I did the same thing, it is simple to record from the internet, with the right program you can get anything. However, the quality is another story.

Anonymous said...

Hey EA -

Sean - you called it right, although I thought it was an intersting fight, best part was the roaring chorus of drunk brits.

write..if you have time for game -

Anonymous said...

I am still listening to deconstruction... right now... originality is hard to replace or let go of... could you and Dave make time to throw us another offering? if I could only lock you guys in a studio with Lydon!

-ea. said...

all y'all- now people, in terms of internet technologies i was not born yesterday. i know there are plenty of ways we have been able to copy rip burn download upload music for many years now (in fact, i sent my first email from my mac II over 16 years ago). i was just curious about the existence of some sites that i might not know about. half the reason i decided to do a blog was that i hoped to learn about cool stuff from you people. i want this site to be an exchange or a dialog.

Anonymous said...


i'm on several private bit-torrent sites and haven't seen any of your solo work or polar bear up on any of them. deconstruction was on OiNK, but that site is now gone.

of course, jane's is on all of them. have you got a release date for your new album yet?


JM said...

Well, ok then...

what my friend did was listen to the song in the online player, and he checked his temp folder, and there it was. I think it may have been in some type of flash format, then copied it to some other folder, and then simply renaming the file ".whatever" to ".mp3"... and voilà, mp3 habemus :)

Have fun!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Beautiful image of the room. Seems inspired by some of David Lynch's set pieces...